If you’re a small business owner with 25 full-time employees or fewer, and pay an average salary less than or equal to $50,000 a year, you could qualify for a tax credit.
Self Funded Health Insurance works just like the major medical plans you are used to. To your employee, there is no difference.

Small Business Health Insurance Plans And Tax Credits
Small Business Health Insurance Plans And Tax Credits
We work for YOU… Not the Insurance companies
Health Insurance Plans For Small Businesses

Benefits Of Self Funded Small Business Health Insurance
Lower Premium
Preventative Care Covered 100%
Underwritten to reduce cost even further
All plans Use CIGNA Pharmacy network
Telemedicine included for free with Open Network
Healthcare Bluebook included to help your employees manage their cost.
Open Network allows you to choose any Doctor or Hospital
A portion of year-end escrow funds are refunded.
Reviews From Happy Group Health Insurance Clients
We’re here for one reason and one reason only. To help small businesses save 1,000s on health insurance that is affordable and takes care of your needs. Our customer’s were astonished when they realized the amount they were saving per month by switching to healthcare search. Please visit our Google My Business for reviews like the ones below.

“Healthcare Search saved my small business over $400 monthly on health insurance. After switching to Healthcare Search, I can finally breath financially. I can’t thank you enough John, You’re amazing!“
– Allison Lawless

“At first we were skeptical about meeting John to switch, but after he worked with us to get down to the bottom of what we were spending for our household, we ended up saving $622 a month on health insurance. I’m so happy my husband and I took the leap to meet with you!“